In Citizenship we want students to be critical thinkers, articulate knowledgeable learners and inclusive collaborators.
Year 7
Citizenship Yr07 T4 Identity and Diversity - Does my identity promote diversity of division
Citizenship Yr07 T5 Rights and Responsibilities - Do rights come with reponsibilites
Year 8
Citizenship Yr08 T5 UK Political System - Who runs our country?
Year 9
Citizenship Yr09 T1 Laws and the Justice System- Is our justice system fit for purpose?
Citizenship Yr09 T2 Human Rights- Does the UK respect our civil liberties?
Citizenship Yr09 T3 Active Citizenship
Year 10
Citizenship Yr10 T1 Communities - What are the origins and impact of our diverse community and how do we promote mutual respect and understanding
Citizenship Yr10 T2 Human Rights - What rights do humans have and how are they protected
Citizenship Yr10 T3 UK Politics - Who runs the country
Citizenship Yr10 T4 Westminster - How does parliament work
Citizenship Yr10 T5 Law and Justice System - What is law and how does it affect us
Citizenship Yr10 T6 Crime and Society - Is crime increasing in society and how do we address it
Year 11
Citizenship Yr11 T1 Role of Groups and Organisations - How do different groups and organisations participate in our democratic society
Citizenship Yr11 T2 Taking Action - How do you successfully take citizenship action to promote a cause, seek change or benefit others
Citizenship Yr11 T3 Media - What is the role, responsibilities and influence of the media?
Citizenship Yr11 T4 Does the UK have power and influence in the wider world?