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In Citizenship we want students to be critical thinkers, articulate knowledgeable learners and inclusive collaborators.

Year 7

Citizenship Yr07 T4 Identity and Diversity - Does my identity promote diversity of division

Citizenship Yr07 T5 Rights and Responsibilities - Do rights come with reponsibilites

Year 8

Citizenship Yr08 T4 Democracy and Participation - How democratic is our country and can we truly participate?

Citizenship Yr08 T5 UK Political System - Who runs our country?

Year 9

Citizenship Yr09 T1 Laws and the Justice System- Is our justice system fit for purpose?

Citizenship Yr09 T2 Human Rights- Does the UK respect our civil liberties?

Citizenship Yr09 T3 Active Citizenship

Year 10

Citizenship Yr10 T1  Communities - What are the origins and impact of our diverse community and how do we promote mutual respect and understanding

Citizenship Yr10 T2  Human Rights - What rights do humans have and how are they protected

Citizenship Yr10 T3 UK Politics - Who runs the country

Citizenship Yr10 T4  Westminster - How does parliament work

Citizenship Yr10 T5  Law and Justice System - What is law and how does it affect us

Citizenship Yr10 T6  Crime and Society - Is crime increasing in society and how do we address it

Year 11

Citizenship Yr11 T1 Role of Groups and Organisations - How do different groups and organisations participate in our democratic society

Citizenship Yr11 T2 Taking Action - How do you successfully take citizenship action to promote a cause, seek change or benefit others

Citizenship Yr11 T3  Media - What is the role, responsibilities and influence of the media?

Citizenship Yr11 T4 Does the UK have power and influence in the wider world?

Citizenship Yr11 T5 What are the rights and responsibilities in global situations, including conflict?