In Drama, we want students to become confident performers, creative theatre makers and have a life-long appreciation for the dramatic arts
yEAR 7
T1.1 Drama is serious fun - Is Drama just for actors?
T1.2 Brave New World-Why is empathy important in Drama and in life?
T2.1 Sweeney Todd - Is there such a thing as pure evil?
Year 8
T1.1 Physical Theatre - How can 'we' communicate in life
T1.2 Response to Stimulus - why do we need stimulus to create drama
T2.1 Greek Theatre and The Chorus - What did the Greeks do for Theatre as we know it today?
T2.2 DNA Page to the stage - how can words be brought from the page to the stage
Year 9
T1 Working from a script - are some lives more important than others
Year 10
T1/A Introduction to GCSE Drama - Why is team work and spirit important in making successful drama?
T1/B Careers in Theatre at Halfmoon C1/A - What careers can studying drama lead to?
Live Theatre Review C1/C - Why is performance objective?
Blood Brothers C1/B Practical Exploration - Nature or Nurture?
T2/A Oedipus and Tension - Should we seek to look into the future? And try to change it?
Stanislavski and Brecht - How can practitioners influence our own work?
T2/A - T3 Devising, Devising Exam and Devising Log C2 - What is the true power of theatre?
Year 11
T1-2 Texts in Practice (Component 3) - What does it take to ‘move’ an audience?
T3-5 Understanding Drama (Component 1) - Why is Drama not just for actors?