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Student Development Curriculum (Personal Development)



Here at Langdon Park our vision is that every student will graduate with the best qualifications, purpose, self-confidence, self-belief and a readiness to play a positive role within their local and the global community. Our student development curriculum enhances the student’s character, self-belief and aspirations, ensuring students not only leave with excellent academic qualifications, but an understanding of themselves and the world around them.

Developing students who are:

  1. Professional characters in our community and their local community.
  2. Inclusive of diverse views and perspectives.
  3. Learners with high aspirations and are equipped to achieve them.
  4. Knowledgeable of the importance of good health and wellbeing.


Our student development curriculum is linked to 8 key strands that align with our 4BEs values. These strands are embedded and interleaved across the school through our subject curriculums, tutorial programme, careers programme and enrichment programme. This ensures all our students can explicitly link their learning to the wider world around them, developing their cultural capital through a wealth of opportunities.  Through the LPS guarantee students are able to access these opportunities in their 7 years at the school to ensure they flourish as Langdon Park students.

Be Professional (Character and Community):

Our students can develop their character through our enrichment programme, where students are expected to attend at least one club each week. There are a variety of opportunities including debating society, chess club, Duke of Edinburgh and our sports leadership programme. The attendance to our clubs is monitored through SIMs and specific student groups are targeted to support them in accessing each of the opportunities on offer. 

Trips and visits are mapped out through subject curriculums to enhance the learning experience across various topic areas and help develop an understanding of the local and global community. Our LP50 is our pledge as a school to ensure that all our students can attend at least 50 trips and visits in their time at Langdon Park.

Through the SDC subject document subject areas highlight opportunities within the curriculum to develop students understanding of social, moral, spiritual and culture factors. All students in year 7-9 study Citizenship and RE with RE being compulsory in KS3 and KS4.

The LPS Student Leadership programme empowers our students and further develop their character. All students can apply to become a prefect or form rep in their time at Langdon Park where they meet regularly with their Head of Year and senior leadership focussing on charity fundraising, British Values and the 4BEs.

Be Inclusive (Diversity and Relationships):

Through our tutorial programme students receive 40 minutes of RSHE per week, as well as three drop down days across the academic year. The RSHE curriculum has a thematic approach allowing students to develop their knowledge in an age-appropriate manner and help them to become inclusive learners. Our assembly programme compliments our tutorial programme through weekly character-based themes that linking closely with national and international events highlighted on our SDC calendar. In addition to our weekly assemblies, we have 6 whole school assemblies responding to the needs of our community based on current affairs of contextual issues.

Be a Learner (Aspirations and Economics):

As part of our careers programme students will experience a range of encounters tailored to their individual needs and circumstances. This will include workplaces, and employers, an insight into further and higher education establishments and opportunities for personal guidance. Our careers education is also embedded into the tutor program with materials that are tailor made and age appropriate for each year group including career of the week from different subject areas. All students are signed up to the START programme where weekly tasks are set and monitored by their tutors. Our SDC subject reps not only champion the personal development of our students but also careers within their subject area to ensure students at all key stages have access to career talks, university visits and role models.

As well as several entrepreneurial and money matters workshops, all year groups select a local charity which they focus on supporting throughout the academic year. Through our three raising and giving weeks students decide what method of fundraising they will use to compete against their peers to raise the most money.

Be Knowledgeable (Wellbeing and Health):

Heads of faculty and subject leaders have identified curriculum connections within wellbeing and health, highlighting these in their SDC subject document. Within PE and Food technology conversations are explicit around health and wellbeing ensuring students have the knowledge to look after their bodies physically and mentally. Through our RSHE programme students learn about keeping clean and looking after their bodies particularly as they move through puberty. Our Character Development Days allow opportunities for subjects to plan sessions focused on health and wellbeing, particularly in KS4 and KS5 when preparing for exams.

Our enrichment programme offers our students several wellbeing activities including mediation, yoga and colouring. Our inclusion teamwork alongside a number of professionals to ensure our most vulnerable students health and wellbeing is supported. 


There are three points in the year where students set and review personal targets focussed around the 4BEs and the 8 SDC strands. This supports students in enhancing their character, self-belief and aspirations allowing them to play a positive role within their local and the global community.

We use SIMS data to track the attendance of students at enrichment clubs, workshops, careers events and trips and visits. This ensures we target individuals to ensure all students have an equal amount opportunity to access the student develop curriculum.

Our behaviour data allows us to measure the impact of our SDC and ensure students are making a positive contribution to the school and local community. The data supports us in planning an effective responsive assembly programme as a whole school and for individual groups.

Through termly student and parent surveys regarding the student experience we can adapt our student development curriculum to ensure the needs of all our students are met.

SDC Staff Team 

Mr L. O'Hara (AHT Student Development Curriculum)

Ms M. Bennett  (Associate Assistant Head Teacher Careers and RSHE)

Ms M. Begum (Careers and Enrichment Coordinator)

Mr S. Ahmed  (Student Experience Co-ordinator)